Source code for nrv.backend._MCore

NRV-Multi-Core/Parallel computing handling.

import numpy as np
from ._NRV_Singleton import NRV_singleton

    import mpi4py.MPI as mpi

    comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
    MCore_Flag = True
except ImportError:
    MCore_Flag = False

[docs] class Mcore_handler(metaclass=NRV_singleton): """ Class to handle parallel processing (cores, no threads) in NRV2 """
[docs] def __init__(self, Flag): """ Instantiation of Mcore Parameters ---------- Flag : bool should be true if mpi4py is installed, to be handled by user ! """ super().__init__() self.Flag = Flag if self.Flag: self.rank = comm.rank self.size = comm.size else: self.rank = 0 self.size = 1
[docs] def is_alone(self): """ Check if the process is runing alone or if other instances have been launched. Returns ------- alone : bool True if the programm is the only instance launched, else False """ return self.size == 1
[docs] def is_master(self): """ Check if the process is master or not whe parallel computing Returns ------- master : bool True if multiple instances are launched and the current process is the master (rank 0) """ return not self.is_alone() and self.rank == 0
[docs] def do_master_only_work(self): """ Check if the process is alone or it is the master to perform non splitable job Returns ------- only : bool True if the process is alone or if it is the master, else False """ return self.is_alone() or self.is_master()
[docs] def say_hello(self): """ Display a sentence from each process on prompt. For debug only """ if self.is_alone(): print("Hi, I am the only core launched") elif self.is_master(): print("Hi, I am the master core") else: print("Hi, I am a slave core, my ID is " + str(self.rank))
[docs] def split_job_from_arrays(self, len_arrays, stype="default"): """ Split an array for parallel independant computing, by sharing independant sub-spaces \ of array index Parameters ---------- len_arrays : int length of the array containing the full job to perform in parallel stype : str method used to split the array: "comb": Returns ------- mask : np.array subspace of the array indexes, specific to each instantiation of the programm """ if self.is_alone(): mask = np.arange(len_arrays) else: if stype == "comb": mask = np.arange(len_arrays) mask = np.where(self.rank == mask % self.size)[0] else: if self.is_master(): all_indexes = np.arange(len_arrays) mask_chunks = np.array_split(all_indexes, self.size, axis=0) else: mask_chunks = None mask = comm.scatter(mask_chunks, root=0) return mask
[docs] def split_job_from_arrays_to_slaves(self, len_arrays): """ Split an array for parallel independant computing, by sharing independant sub-spaces \ of array index, the master gets a table of all jobs to do initialized to False Parameters ---------- len_arrays : int length of the array containing the full job to perform in parallel Returns ------- mask : np.array subspace of the array indexes, specific to each instantiation of the programm """ if self.is_master(): all_indexes = np.arange(len_arrays) jobs_to_do = np.asarray(np.full(len(all_indexes), False)) chunks = np.array_split(all_indexes, self.size - 1, axis=0) chunks.insert(0, jobs_to_do) else: chunks = None chunk = comm.scatter(chunks, root=0) return chunk
[docs] def master_broadcasts_array_to_all(self, var): """ Broadcast an array to all instances of the process (share jobs performed by the master only) Parameters ---------- var : np.array variable to broadcast, from the master only, esle None Returns ------- data : np.array variable broadcasted in all instances """ return self.master_broadcasts_to_all(var)
[docs] def master_broadcasts_to_all(self, var): """ Broadcast an array to all instances of the process (share jobs performed by the master only) Parameters ---------- var : np.array or dict variable to broadcast, from the master only, esle None Returns ------- data : np.array or dict variable broadcasted in all instances """ if self.is_alone(): data = var else: if self.rank == 0: data = var else: data = None data = comm.bcast(data, root=0) return data
[docs] def gather_jobs(self, partial_result): """ Gather the jobs performed by all instances to the master Parameters ---------- partial_result : dict individual result from an instance Returns ------- result : dict global dict if master or alone, else None """ if self.is_alone(): final_result = partial_result else: # Not ideal but prevent overwrite the type of master if not self.is_master() and "nrv_type" in partial_result: partial_result.pop("nrv_type") list_results = comm.gather(partial_result, root=0) if self.is_master(): final_result = list_results[0] for i in range(1, len(list_results)): final_result.update(list_results[i]) else: final_result = None return final_result
[docs] def gather_jobs_as_array(self, partial_result): """ Gather the jobs performed by all instances to the master Parameters ---------- partial_result : np.array individual result from an instance Returns ------- result : np.array global array if master or alone, else None """ if self.is_alone(): final_result = partial_result else: results = comm.gather(partial_result, root=0) if self.is_master(): final_result = np.concatenate(tuple(results)) else: final_result = None return final_result
[docs] def sum_jobs(self, partial_result): """ Gather, sum and broadcast array for conservative results. Parameters ---------- partial_result : np.array individual result from an instance Returns ------- result : np.array global array as the sum of all partial results from each core, returned to all cores """ if self.is_alone(): final_result = partial_result else: results = comm.gather(partial_result, root=0) # gather and sum results sumed_result = None if self.is_master(): list_results = list(results) sumed_result = list_results[0] for result in list_results[1:]: sumed_result += result # broadcast to all final_result = self.master_broadcasts_array_to_all(sumed_result) return final_result
[docs] def send_data_to_master(self, data): """ Send a dictionary of data directly to the master. Parameters ---------- data : dict data to send """ comm.send(data, dest=0)
[docs] def recieve_data_from_slave(self): """ Recieve data from anay source Returns: -------- data """ data = comm.recv(source=mpi.ANY_SOURCE) return data
[docs] def send_back_array_to_dest(self, data, destination): """ Send a numpy array to a slave Parameters ---------- data : np.array data to send destination : int ID of the process to send the data """ comm.send(data, dest=destination)
[docs] def recieve_potential_array_from_master(self): """ Recieve potenatial data from the master as a numpy array Parameters ---------- N_points : int number of point of the x-coordinate vector N_elec : int number of electrode in the simulation """ data = comm.recv(source=0) return data
[docs] def send_synchronization_flag(self): """ Blocking collective communication to force all process to synchronize to a specific line of code Returns ------- bool a flag set to True """ if self.rank == 0: Validation_Flag = True else: Validation_Flag = None Validation_Flag = comm.bcast(Validation_Flag, root=0) return Validation_Flag
# public interface MCH = Mcore_handler(MCore_Flag)
[docs] def synchronize_processes(): """ synchronize all processes, used to wait saving complete before loading Returns ------- bool a flag set to True """ if not MCH.is_alone(): comm.Barrier() return 0