Source code for nrv.fmod.FEM._FENICS_lumped_impedance_model

NRV-:class:`.FENICS_model` handling.

import configparser
import os
import time

import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI

from ...backend._file_handler import rmv_ext
from ...utils._units import V, mm
from ...utils._misc import get_perineurial_thickness
from ...backend._MCore import MCH, synchronize_processes
from ...backend._parameters import parameters
from .fenics_utils._FEMSimulation import FEMSimulation

from ._FENICS_model import FENICS_model
from .fenics_utils._FEMResults import save_sim_res_list
from .mesh_creator._NerveMshCreator import NerveMshCreator, ENT_DOM_offset, pi

# built in FENICS models
dir_path = parameters.nrv_path + "/_misc"
# material_library = os.listdir(dir_path+"/fenics_templates/")

## Constants ##
machine_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config_fname = dir_path + "/NRV.ini"

FENICS_Ncores = int(machine_config.get("FENICS", "FENICS_CPU"))
FENICS_Status = machine_config.get("FENICS", "FENICS_STATUS") == "True"

fem_verbose = True

[docs] class FENICS_lumped_impedance_model(FENICS_model): """ A class for FENICS Finite Element Models, inherits from FENICS_model. """
[docs] def __init__( self, fname=None, Ncore=None, handle_server=False, elem=None, comm="default", rank=0, ): """ Creates a instance of a FENICS Finite Element Model object. Parameters ---------- fname : str path to the mesh file (.msh) file Ncore : int number of FENICS cores for computation. If None is specified, this number is taken from the NRV2.ini configuration file. Byu default set to None handle_server : bool if True, the instantiation creates the server, else a external server is used. Usefull for multiple cells sharing the same model """ super().__init__( fname=fname, Ncore=Ncore, handle_server=handle_server, elem=elem, comm=comm, rank=rank, ) self.axons = {} self.axons_gmem = {} self.Myelin_mat = "endoneurium_ranck" self.Axoplasmic_mat = 1 / 70
[docs] def reshape_axon( self, d, y=0, z=0, ID=None, myelinated=False, res="default", res_node="default", **kwargs ): if not self.mesh_file_status: self.mesh.reshape_axon( d=d, y=y, z=z, ID=ID, myelinated=myelinated, res=res, res_node=res_node, **kwargs ) self.__update_parameters()
###################### ## setup simulation ## ###################### def __set_domains(self): super().__set_domains() for i in self.axons.keys(): self.sim.add_domain( mesh_domain=ENT_DOM_offset["Axons"] + (2 * i), mat_pty=self.Endoneurium_mat, ) def __set_iboundaries(self): """ Internal use only: set internam boundaries """ for i in self.fascicles: thickness = self.Perineurium_thickness[i] f_dom = ENT_DOM_offset["Fascicle"] + (2 * i) self.sim.add_inboundary( mesh_domain=ENT_DOM_offset["Surface"] + f_dom, mat_pty=self.Perineurium_mat, thickness=thickness, in_domains=[f_dom], )
[docs] def set_materials( self, Outer_mat=None, Epineurium_mat=None, Endoneurium_mat=None, Perineurium_mat=None, Electrodes_mat=None, Myelin_mat=None, Axoplasmic_mat=None, ): super().set_materials( Outer_mat, Epineurium_mat, Endoneurium_mat, Perineurium_mat, Electrodes_mat ) self.Myelin_mat = Myelin_mat or self.Myelin_mat self.Axoplasmic_mat = Axoplasmic_mat or self.Axoplasmic_mat
[docs] def set_axon_membrane(id, gmem_pty): pass
################### ## Use the model ## ###################
[docs] def get_meshes(self): """ Visualize the model mesh WARNING: debbug use only + might not work on all os """ if self.is_meshed: self.mesh.visualize()
[docs] def build_and_mesh(self): """ Build the geometry and perform meshing process """ if not self.mesh_file_status and not self.is_meshed: t0 = time.time() self.__update_parameters() if self.N_fascicle == 0: self.reshape_fascicle( Fascicle_D=self.default_fascicle["d"], y_c=self.default_fascicle["y_c"], z_c=self.default_fascicle["z_c"], res=self.default_fascicle["res"], ) if self.N_electrode == 0: self.add_electrode( elec_type=self.default_electrode["elec_type"], x_c=self.default_electrode["x_c"], y_c=self.default_electrode["y_c"], z_c=self.default_electrode["z_c"], length=self.default_electrode["length"], d=self.default_electrode["d"], res=self.default_electrode["res"], ) self.__update_parameters(bcast=self.is_multi_proc) if MCH.do_master_only_work(): self.mesh.compute_mesh() if self.is_multi_proc: synchronize_processes() self.is_meshed = True self.mesh.get_info(verbose=True) self.meshing_timer += time.time() - t0
[docs] def solve(self, comm=None, rank=None): """ Solve the model """ if not self.is_sim_ready: self.setup_simulations() if not self.is_computed: t0 = time.time() # For EIT change in for E in elec_patren: for E in range(self.N_electrode): for i_elec in self.j_electrode: if i_elec == "E" + str(E): self.j_electrode[i_elec] = self.jstims[E] else: self.j_electrode[i_elec] = 0 self.sim.setup_sim(**self.j_electrode) self.sim_res += [self.sim.solve()] self.sim_res[-1].vout.label = "E" + str(E) self.is_computed = True self.solving_timer += time.time() - t0
###################### ## results handling ## ######################
[docs] def get_potentials(self, x, y, z, E=-1): """ Get the potential on a line to get extracellular potential for axons stimulation. Parameters ---------- x : np.array array of x coordinates in the model y : float y-coordinate of the axon z : float z-coordinate of the axon E : int ID of the electrode from witch the potentials should be evaluated Returns: -------- array All potential for all paramtric sweeps (all electrodes in NRV2 models)\ (line: electrode selection, column: potential) """ if self.is_computed: t0 = time.time() line = [[x_, y, z] for x_ in x] if self.N_electrode == 1 or (E < self.N_electrode and E >= 0): potentials = self.sim_res[E].eval(line, self.is_multi_proc) * V else: potentials = [] for E in range(self.N_electrode): potentials += [self.sim_res[E].eval(line, self.is_multi_proc)] potentials = np.transpose(np.array(potentials) * V) self.access_res_timer += time.time() - t0 return potentials