
nrv.nmod.remove_outlier_axons(axons_diameters: <MagicMock name='mock.array' id='139958333163664'>, y_axons: <MagicMock name='mock.array' id='139958333163664'>, z_axons: <MagicMock name='mock.array' id='139958333163664'>, axon_type: <MagicMock name='mock.array' id='139958333163664'>, diameter: float = 10) <MagicMock name='mock.array' id='139958333163664'>[source]

Remove axons in a population located outside a circular border, defined by its diameter

  • axons_diameters (np.array) – array containing the axons diameters

  • y_axons (np.array) – y coordinate of the axons to store, in um

  • z_axons (np.array) – z coordinate of the axons to store, in um

  • axon_type (np.array) – type of the axon (Myelinated = 1; Unmyelinated = 0)

  • diameter (float) – diameter of the circular border, in um