Efficiently evaluating effect of simulation parameter on threshold

This script shows how to use the search_threshold_dispatcher() function to efficiently explore the effect of one parameter of the model on threshold, by leveraging on multiprocessing capabilities of the CPU instead of serialization.

#Without FEM model
import sys

import nrv
import numpy as np
from time import perf_counter
nrv.parameters.set_nrv_verbosity(2) #To reduce verbosity

# axon def
y = 0                                               # axon y position, in [um]
z = 0                                               # axon z position, in [um]
d = 10                                              # axon diameter, in [um]
L = 50_000                                  # axon length, along x axis, in [um]
axon1 = nrv.myelinated(y,z,d,L,T=37,rec='nodes',dt=0.005)

n_node = len(axon1.x_nodes)
x_elec = axon1.x_nodes[n_node//2]
y_elec = 1000
z_elec = 0
PSA = nrv.point_source_electrode(x_elec,y_elec,z_elec)
stim1 = nrv.stimulus() #dummy stim

### define extra cellular stimulation
extra_stim = nrv.stimulation('endoneurium_bhadra')
extra_stim.add_electrode(PSA, stim1)

#Update function for biphasic pulse
def biphasic_pulse_update(axon,amp, pw, start_p = 1, elec_id = 0,t_inter=50e-3):
    stim_1 = nrv.stimulus()
    stim_1.biphasic_pulse(start = start_p, s_anod=amp,t_stim=pw,s_cathod=amp,t_inter=t_inter)
    axon.change_stimulus_from_electrode(elec_id, stim_1)

#parameters for the waveforms
arg_stim = {'pw':50e-3, 'elec_id':0, 'start_p':1}
max_amp = 300 #maximum search boundary

pw_l = [50e-3,100e-3,150e-3,200e-3,250e-3,300e-3,350e-3,400e-3]

def process_threshold(pw):
    arg_stim['pw'] = pw
    return(nrv.axon_AP_threshold(axon = axon1,amp_max = max_amp,update_func = biphasic_pulse_update, args_update=arg_stim, verbose = False))

if __name__ == '__main__' and '__file__' in globals():
    start = perf_counter()

    #Serialized approach
    thresholds = []
    for pw in pw_l:
        th = process_threshold(pw)
    stop = perf_counter()

    #Parallelized approach
    start_mp = perf_counter()
    thresholds_MP = nrv.search_threshold_dispatcher(process_threshold,pw_l)
    stop_mp = perf_counter()

    print(f"without multiproc: {np.round(stop-start,2)}s")
    print(f"With multiproc: {np.round(stop_mp-start_mp,2)}s")

'\nif __name__ == \'__main__\' and \'__file__\' in globals():\n    start = perf_counter()\n\n    #Serialized approach\n    thresholds = []\n    for pw in pw_l:\n        th = process_threshold(pw)\n        thresholds.append(th)\n    stop = perf_counter()\n\n    #Parallelized approach\n    start_mp = perf_counter()\n    thresholds_MP = nrv.search_threshold_dispatcher(process_threshold,pw_l)\n    stop_mp = perf_counter()\n\n    print(thresholds_MP)\n    print(thresholds)\n    print(thresholds_MP==thresholds)\n    print(f"without multiproc: {np.round(stop-start,2)}s")\n    print(f"With multiproc: {np.round(stop_mp-start_mp,2)}s")\n'
#With FEM

#to prevent meshing error (known bug)
del extra_stim, axon1

def biphasic_pulse_update(axon,amp, pw, start_p = 1, elec_id = 0,t_inter=50e-3):
    stim_1 = nrv.stimulus()
    stim_1.biphasic_pulse(start = start_p, s_anod=amp,t_stim=pw,s_cathod=amp,t_inter=t_inter)
    axon.change_stimulus_from_electrode(elec_id, stim_1)

def process_threshold(diam):

    arg_stim = {'pw':50e-3, 'elec_id':0, 'start_p':1}
    #binary search parameters
    amp_max = 200                   #maximum stimulation amplitude, in µs
    amp_tol = 5                   #binary search tolerance, in %

    model= 'MRG'
    n_node = 20     #20 Node of Ranvier for each axon

    # axon location
    z_axon = 0    # axon z position, in [um]
    y_axon = 100  # axon z position, in [um]

    ### Simulation box size
    Outer_D = 6     # in in [mm]

    #### Nerve and fascicle geometry
    Nerve_D = 1000      # in [um]
    Fascicle_D = 800    # in [um]
    perineurium_thickeness = 25 # in [um]

    #binary search parameters
    amp_max = 150                   #maximum stimulation amplitude, in µs

    LIFE_length = 1000             #electrode active site length
    y_elect = 0
    z_elect = 0
    D_1 = 25                    #electrode diam
    #set the FEM parameters
    extra_stim = nrv.FEM_stimulation()
    extra_stim.reshape_nerve(Nerve_D, L)
    #axon creation
    axon1 = nrv.myelinated(y_axon,z_axon,diam,L,rec='nodes',model=model)
    n_node = len(axon1.x_nodes)
    x_elec = axon1.x_nodes[n_node//2]       # electrode y position, in [um]
    y_c = 0
    x_1_offset = x_elec - (LIFE_length/2)
    LIFE = nrv.LIFE_electrode('LIFE_1', D_1, LIFE_length, x_1_offset, y_elect, z_elect)

    # extracellular stimulation setup
    extra_stim.add_electrode(LIFE, nrv.stimulus())

    threshold = nrv.axon_AP_threshold(axon = axon1,amp_max = amp_max,tol = 1,
                                    update_func = biphasic_pulse_update, args_update=arg_stim,
                                    verbose = False)
    del extra_stim,axon1 #to prevent meshing error (known bug)

#Axon ranges from 2µm to 20µm
d_min = 2
d_max = 20
n_diam = 10
diam_list = np.round(np.linspace(d_min,d_max,num=n_diam))

if __name__ == '__main__' and '__file__' in globals():

    #Serialized approach
    threshold_out = []
    start = perf_counter()
    for diam in diam_list:
        th = process_threshold(diam)
    stop = perf_counter()

    #Parallelized approach
    start_mp = perf_counter()
    thresholds_MP = nrv.search_threshold_dispatcher(process_threshold,diam_list)
    stop_mp = perf_counter()

    print(f"without multiproc: {np.round(stop-start,2)}s")
    print(f"with multiproc: {np.round(stop_mp-start_mp,2)}s")