
recorder.set_recording_yplane(x_min, x_max, y, z_min, z_max, dx=10, dz=10, method='PSA')[source]

Generate equaly spaced recording points in the y plane

  • x_min (float) – minimal x postion for recording points, in um

  • x_max (float) – maximal x postion for recording points, in um

  • y (float) – fixed y position for recording points

  • z_min (float) – minimal z postion for recording points, in um

  • z_max (float) – maximal z postion for recording points, in um

  • dx (float) – distance between recording points on the x coordinate, in um

  • dz (float) – distance between recording points on the z coordinate, in um

  • method (string) – electrical potential approximation method, can be “PSA” (Point Source Approximation) or “LSA” (Line Source Approximation). set to “PSA” by default. Note that if LSA is requested with an anisotropic material,computation will automatically be performed using “PSA”