Scientific foundations

NRV has been designed as a layer of abstraction of physical, mathematical, and computational techniques required for realistic prediction of bioelectronic phenomena prediction and study. The framework can be used with few lines of Python code on various computing supports, from conventional machines to large super-computer without impacting the simulation descriptions. This framework has also been designed to be linked to optimization algorithms and experimental setups, to ease the translation between novel stimulation protocol development and experimental campaigns.

Framework overview

The NeuRon Virtualizer framework (NRV) is a fully open-source multi-scale and multi-domain Python-based framework developed for the hybrid modeling of electrical stimulation in the PNS. NRV shares the same working principle as the solutions presented in the previous section: a FEM model is solved under the quasi-static assumption to compute the extracellular potential generated by a source and is applied to a neural model to estimate the resulting neural activity. However, NRV improves on the other solution by being able to perform all the necessary steps for hybrid modeling within the framework, and without the need for commercially licensed software or library. Realistic electrode geometries and parametrized cylindrical nerves and fascicles are constructed and meshed using Gmsh [geuzaine2009], and FEM problems are solved using the FEniCS software [alnaes2015]. An optionnal bridge between COMSOL Multiphysics and NRV via COMSOL Server (requiring a commercial license) is also implemented in NRV providing multiple options to the users for creating the 3-D model.

Tools for generating realistic axon population and placement are provided and commonly used in the literature axon computationnal models are implemented. Extracellular potential computed with the FEM model is interpolated and used as input for the 1-D axon models. An intracellular voltage or current clamp can also be used to stimulate one or multiple axons of an NRV model. Axon models are simulated using the NEURON software via the NEURON to Python bridge. All computation inputs and outputs are stored in dictionary objects to enable context saving and facilitate data reuse. Post-processing tools are also provided to automatically detect action potentials, filter the data, etc. Extracellular recorders are also implemented and can be added to the model to simulate electrically-evoked compound action potentials (eCAPs).

Optimization algorithms have been successfully applied to improve electrode design [kent2013] or stimulation waveforms or protocol [yi2020,wongsarnpigoon2010,cassar2017]. However, this technique requires an important phase of formalization and software development. NRV extends other presented solutions by also including a formalism, methods, and algorithms to provide an out-of-the-box solution for describing any optimization problem for PNS simulation within the framework.

Regarding computational performances, NRV provides multiprocessing capabilities by implementing a message-passing interface (MPI) for Python [dalcin2021] to speed up the computation of axon dynamics through parallel invocation of the NEURON solver.} Parallel computing is performed independently of the simulation description and the end-user only needs to provide the maximum number of usable cores on the machine; NRV automatically handles job distribution and synchronicity between the processes.

Calls to Gmsh, Fenics, and COMSOL Server (for geometry definition, meshing, FEM solving, and electric field dispatching), NEURON (for neural dynamic solving), or other third-party libraries used (for simulation post-processing for example) are fully encapsulated in the NRV framework. Interactions with these libraries are not required to use the framework and therefore do not require any special understanding of the end user’s point of view. NRV aims at being accessible for users with only basic Python knowledge as well as being easily readable from high-level simulation perspectives. NRV also enables multi-scale simulations: single axonal fibers to whole nerve simulations can be performed with NRV and require only a couple of lines of code. The framework is pip installable making the framework effortlessly deployable on a computer cluster or supercomputer.

NRV’s internal architecture is depicted in the figure above. It is subdivided into four main sections:
  • fmod: for extracellular models and computations.

  • nmod: for axon membrane potential models and computation.

  • optim: enables automated optimization of stimulation contexts, either by controlling geometrical parameters or the stimulation waveshape.

  • backend: handles all related software engineering aspects behind NRV, such as machine capacity and performances, parallel processing, or file inputs and outputs for instance. This section is essential for the proper functioning of the framework, but mainly concerns the architecture and development of software whose knowledge does not provide relevant information to the end user. Thus, this section is not described in more detail.

fmod-section: computation of 3D extracellular potentials

NRV provides classes, tools, and templates to create 3-D models of the nerve and electrodes. By default, all axons are colinear to the 𝑥 − 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠 of the space frame. The figure below provides a synthetic overview of the extracellular simulated problem and a simplified UML- class diagram of the software implementation, containing class references that the end-user can access. Here are provided details about the implementation of physics and corresponding computational mechanisms.


The computation of the extracellular electric potential associated with electrical stimulation is handled by the extracellular_context-class. The analytical_stimulation-class and the FEM_stimulation-class are derived from the parent extracellular_context-class as illustrated in the figure above and detailed in the next two subsections. NRV provides the possibility of analytically estimate compound action potential (CAP) using recorder-objects.

Electrical stimulation potential: computation mechanism

NRV provides classes, tools, and templates to create 3-D models of the nerve and electrodes. By default, all axons are colinear to the 𝑥 − 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠 of the space frame. The figure above provides a synthetic overview of the extracellular simulated problem and a simplified UML- class diagram of the software implementation, containing class references that the end-user can access. Here are provided details about the implementation of physics and corresponding computational mechanisms.

\[V_{ext}{\left( \mathbf{r}, t\right)} = \sum_{k\in E}{I_{stim_k}\left(t\right)V_{footprint_k}\left(\mathbf{r}\right) }\]

Where \(E\) is the set of electrodes in the simulation, \(I_{stim_k}\) is the stimulation current at the electrode k, and \(V\) is the electrode footprint computed for each electrode before any simulation. It corresponds to the electrical potential generated in space for a unitary current contribution of the electrode 𝑘. The electrode footprint can be computed with two distinct methods explained hereafter.

The stimulation current \(I_{stim_k}\) is described by a dedicated stimulus-class that defines asynchronous stimulus current/time values applied to an electrode 𝑘. Arithmetic operations between Stimulus-objects are defined for the class, thus enabling fully customized arbitrary stimulating waveforms. This approach facilitates the design of complex waveforms.

When describing the simulation by instantiating an extracellular_context- object, the end user can choose between two different methods of computation: analytical or using the FEM approach. This choice has a consequence on computational requirements but also on the degree of realism of the simulation. In any case, the end user can add a combination of electrodes (electrode-class) and stimulus (stimulus-class). Each Electrode-object in NRV has a unique ID and multiple electrodes can be added to the simulation model. If the field is solved analytically (with the analytical_stimulation-class), only point-source electrodes can be implemented. The method is only suitable for geometry-less simulation: axons are considered as being surrounded by a unique homogeneous material.

With FEM, classes to simulate cuff electrodes and LIFEs have been implemented. FEM electrodes can be fully parameterized (active-site length, number of contacts, location, etc.). Implementation of the FEM solver is detailed in the next paragraph. Custom classes for alternative or more complex electrode designs can be further implemented by inheritance of the FEM_electrodes-class. All footprint computations are performed by the electrode- mother class automatically when the extracellular_context-object is associated with axons.

Electrical conductivities (isotropic or anisotropic) of the tissues constituting the NRV nerve are defined using Material-class. The framework includes pre-defined materials for the epineurium, endoneurium, and perineum conductivities with values commonly found in the literature [Ranck1965]. Custom conductivity values can also be user-specified.

Analytical evaluation of the extracellular potential

The analytical_stimulation-class solves the extracellular potential analytically using the PSA for the electrode, and the nerve is modeled as an infinite homogeneous medium [malmivuo1995]. This method is only suitable for geometry-less simulation: axons are considered as being surrounded by a unique homogeneous material. In this case, the footprint function is computed as:

\[V_{\text{footprint}} = \frac{1}{4\pi\sigma \vert\vert \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r_e}\vert\vert}\]

where \(\vert\vert \cdot \vert\vert\) denote the euclidean norm, \(\mathbf{r_e}\) is the \(\left( x_{e}, y_{e}, z_{e}\right)\) position of the PSA electrode and \(\sigma`\) is the isotropic conductivity of the material. The conductivity of the endoneurium is generally considered as anisotropic [ranck1965specific] and is expressed as a diagonal matrix:

\[\begin{split}\boldsymbol{\sigma} = \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{xx} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_{yy} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \sigma_{zz} \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

The expression of the footprint function becomes [grill1999]:

\[V_{\text{footprint}} = \frac{1}{4\pi \sqrt{ \sigma_{yy}\sigma_{zz}(x - x_e)^2 + \sigma_{xx}\sigma_{zz}(y - y_e)^2+ \sigma_{xx}\sigma_{yy}(z - z_e)^2}}\]

The analytical approach provides a simple and quick estimation of the extracellular potential, allowing for fast computation on resource-constrained machines. However, it restricts the nerve geometry to an infinite homogeneous medium and omits the electrode shape and interface, limiting the viability of this approach for modeling complex experimental or therapeutic setups [mcintyre2001].

FEM computation of electrode footprints

The extracellular potential evaluation in a realistic nerve and electrode model using the FEM approach is handled by the FEM_stimulation-class. A nerve in NRV is modeled as a perfect cylinder and is defined by its diameter, its length, and the number of fascicles inside. The position and diameter of each fascicle on the NRV nerve can be explicitly specified. Fascicles of the NRV model are modeled as bulk volumes of endoneurium surrounded by a thin layer of perineurium tissue [pelot2018]. The remaining tissue of the nerve is modeled as a homogeneous epineurium. The nerve is plunged into a cylindrical material, which is by default modeled as a saline solution.

The NRV framework offers the possibility of using either COMSOL Multiphysics or FEniCS to solve the FEM problem. For the first one, mesh and FEM problems are defined in mph` files which can be parameterized in the FEM_stimulation-class to match the extracellular properties, and all physic equations are integrated into the Electric Currents` COMSOL library. When choosing FEniCS solver, NRV handles the mesh generation using Gmsh, the bridge with the solver, and the finite element problem with FEniCS algorithms. Physic equations solved are defined within the NRV framework. COMSOL Multiphysics is commonly used for the simulation of neural electrical stimulation investigation, but it requires a commercial license to perform computation, and all future developments are bound to the physics and features available in the software. We included the possibility of using it as a comparison to existing results but the use of FEniCS and Gmsh enables fully open-science and the possibility to enhance simulation possibilities and performances.

The electrode footprint \(V_{footprint}\) is solved under quasi-static assumption in the simulation space \(\Omega\). It is obtained from the Poisson equation, expressed as:

\[\mathbf{j}\left( \mathbf{r}\right) = \sigma\left( \mathbf{r}\right)\nabla V_{footprint}\left(\mathbf{r}\right), \forall \mathbf{r}\in \Omega\]

Where \(\mathbf{j}\) is the current density and and \(\sigma\) the electrical conductivity. Electrical ground is imposed on the outer surface of the saline solution using Dirichlet boundary condition. Neuman boundary conditions are used on the electrode active-sites. Dirichlet and Neuman boundary are defined as follow: \(\mathbf{n}\)

\[\begin{split}V_{footprint}\left(\mathbf{r}\right) = 0, \forall \mathbf{r} \in \partial \Omega_G \\ \sigma\left(\mathbf{r}\right) V_{footprint}\left(\mathbf{r}\right)\cdot \mathbf{n} = \mathbf{j_E}\left(\mathbf{r}\right), \forall \mathbf{r} \in \partial \Omega_E\end{split}\]

Where \(\partial \Omega_G\) and \(\partial \Omega_E\) are the electrical ground and the electrode active-site surface respectively, \(\mathbf{n}\) the normal vector to \(\partial \Omega_E\) and \(\mathbf{j_E}\) the injected current density considered homogeneously distributed and expressed as:

\[\mathbf{j_E}\left(\mathbf{r}\right)\cdot\mathbf{n} = \frac{I_{stim}}{S_E}, \forall \mathbf{r} \in \partial\Omega_E\]

Where \(I_{stim}\) is the stimulation current and \(S_E\) is the electrode active site surface.

To reduce the number of elements in the mesh associated with smaller material dimensions, the fascicular perineurium volumes are defined using the thin-layer approximation (see Figure below) [givoli2004, pelot2018]. The current flow is assumed to be continuous through the layer, while a discontinuity is induced in the potentials:

\[\mathbf{j_{lay}} = \sigma _{in} \nabla V_{in} = \sigma _{out} \nabla V_{out} \mathbf{j_{lay}}\cdot \mathbf{n_{e/i}}= \frac{\sigma_{lay}}{t_h}(V_{in}-V_{out})\]

Simulation of eCAP recordings: computation mechanism

In NRV, eCAPs are computed analytically only, using a point- or line-source approximations (PSA or LSA) [parasuram2016] for the contribution of each axon in the simulation. Using the linear material impedance hypothesis, the total extracellular electrical potential can be considered as the sum of the contribution from the stimulating electrodes and the neural activity of the axon. Thus, the two contributions can be calculated separately. The geometry is only based on one material (by default endoneurium). This strategy ensures computational efficiency while still providing sufficiently quantitative results about axon synchronization and eCAP propagation for comparison with experimental observations.

The eCAP recording is performed automatically for the user when instantiating a recorder-object, which links one material with one or multiple recording-points-objects. recording-points-objects represents positions in space where the extracellular is recorded during the simulation. Using again space and time decoupling, the eCAP electrical potential at a position \(\mathbf{r}\) at a time \(t\) is computed as:

\[V_{eCAP}\left( \mathbf{r}, t\right) = \sum_{k\in\mathcal{A} } \sum_{i \in \mathcal{N}} I_{\text{mem }k,i}\left( t\right) V_{\text{footprint }k, i} \label{eq:eCAP}\]

where \(\mathcal{A}\) is the set of axons in the simulation, \(\mathcal{N}`$\) is the set of computational nodes in the axon implementation (see nmod section below), \(I_{\text{mem }k,i}\) the membrane current computed in the nmod section(see below) and \(V_{\text{footprint }k, i}\) is a scalar. From a numerical perspective, this equation is equivalent to a sum of dot products between two vectors: the membrane current computed in the nmod section of NRV (see below) and a recorder footprint. The footprint is computed only once for each axon in the nerve geometry before any simulation.

The footprint for one position \(\mathbf{r_{k,i}} = \left( x_{k,i}, y_{k,i}, z_{k,i}\right)\in \mathbb{R}^3\) in space corresponding to the node $i$ of the axon \(k\) for a recording-points-object at the position \(r_{rec} =\left( x_{rec}, y_{rec}, z_{rec}\right) \in \mathbb{R}^3\) is computed either with PSA:

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} V_{\text{footprint }k, i} = \dfrac{1}{4\pi \sqrt{\sigma_{yy}\sigma_{zz} x_d^2 + \sigma_{xx}\sigma_{zz} y_d^2+ \sigma_{xx}\sigma_{yy}z_d^2}}\\ x_d = (x_{k,i} - x_{rec})\\ y_d = (y_{k,i} - y_{rec})\\ z_d = (z_{k,i} - z_{rec}) \end{cases}\end{split}\]

for anisotropic or isotropic materials (\(\sigma = \sigma_{xx} = \sigma_{yy} = \sigma_{zz}\)), of with LSA for isotropic materials only [parasuram2016]

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} V_{\text{footprint }k, i} = \dfrac{1}{4\pi \sigma \Delta l} \log{\dfrac{\sqrt{h_i^2 + r_i^2} - h_i}{\sqrt{l_i^2 + r_i^2} - l_i}} \\ \Delta l = \vert x_{k,i+1} + x_{k, l}\vert\\ r_i = \sqrt{(y_{k,i}-y_{rec})^2 + (z_{k,i}-z_{rec})^2}\\ h_i = \vert x_{k, i} - x_{rec}\vert \\ l_i = h_i + \Delta l \\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]

In both cases, the eCAP simulation is performed after the computation of neural activity, which is explained in the next section.

nmod section: generating and simulating axons

The description of a physiological context in NRV, as well as the computation of the axon membrane potential, are set up in a hierarchical manner described in the figure below. At the bottom of the hierarchy, axons are individual computational problems for which NRV computes an electrical response. As a conventional hypothesis, each axon is assumed independent from others, i.e., there is no ephaptic coupling between fiber, meaning that all axon computation can be done separately. From the computation aspect, this hypothesis transforms the neural computation to an embarrassingly parallel problem enabling massively parallel computations. In this section, details of models are given with a bottom-up approach: first axons models are described and explain up to nerves entities.


Axons models

Axonal fibers in NRV are defined with the axon-class. This class is an abstract Python class and cannot be called directly by the user. It however handles all generic definitions and the simulation mechanism. Axons are defined along the \(x-axis\) of the nerve model. Axon (y,z) coordinates and length are specified at the creation of an axon-object. End-user accessible Myelinated-class and unmyelinated-class define myelinated and unmyelinated fiber objects respectively and inherit from the abstract axon-class.

Computational models can be specified for both the myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. Currently, NRV supports the MRG [mcintyre2002] and Gaines [gaines2018] models for myelinated fibers. It also supports the original Hodgkin-Huxley model [hodgkin1952quantitative], the Rattay-Aberham model [rattay1993modeling], the Sundt model [sundt2015spike], the Tigerholm model [tigerholm2014modeling], the Schild model [schild1994and] and its updated version [schild1997experimental] for unmyelinated fibers.

MRG and Gaines model’s electrical properties are available on ModelDB [hines2004modeldb] under accession numbers 3810 and 243841 respectively. Interpolation functions used in [gaines2018] to estimate the relationship between fiber diameter and node-of-Ranvier, paranode, juxtaparanodes, internode length, and axon diameter generate negative values when used with small fiber diameter. In NRV, morphological values from [mcintyre2002] and from [pelot2017modeling] are interpolated with polynomial functions. Parameters of the unmyelinated models are taken from [pelot2021excitation] and are available on ModelDB under accession number 266498.

The extracellular stimulations handled by the fmod-section of NRV are connected to the axon-object with the attach_extracellular_stimulation-method, linking the extracellular_context-object to the axon. Voltage and current patch-clamps can also be inserted into the axon model with the insert_V_Clamp-method and insert_I_Clamp-method. The simulate-method of the axon-class solves the axon model using the NEURON framework. NRV uses the NEURON-to-Python bridge [hines2009neuron] and is fully transparent to the user. The simulate-method returns a dictionary containing the fiber information and the simulation results.

Fascicle construction and simulation

The fascicle-class of NRV defines a population of fibers. The fascicle-object specifies the number of axons in the population, and the fiber type (unmyelinated or myelinated), the diameter, the computational model used, and the spatial location of each axonal fiber.

The axon population can be pre-defined and loaded into the fascicle-object. Third- party software such as AxonSeg (Zaimi et al. 2016) or AxonDeepSeg (Zaimi et al. 2018) can be used for generating axon populations from a histology section that are then loaded into the fascicle-object. Alternatively, the NRV framework provides tools to generate a realistic ex- novo population of axons. For example, the create_axon_population-function creates a population with a specified number of axons, a proportion of myelinated/unmyelinated fibers, and statistics for unmyelinated and myelinated fibers’ diameter repartition. Statistics taken from (Ochoa 1978; Jacobs and Love 1985; Schellens et al. 1993) have been interpolated and predefined as population-generating functions. User-defined statistics can also be specified. Alternatively, the fill_area_with_axons-function fills a user-specified area with axons according to the desired fiber volume fraction, fiber type, and diameter repartition statistics. To place cells inside the fascicle boundaries, an axon-packing algorithm is also included. The packing algorithm is inspired by (Mingasson et al. 2017). The generation of a realistic axon population and the packing principle are illustrated in the figure below.


The fascicle-class can perform logical and mathematical operations on the axon population. Operations include population rotation and translation and diameter or fiber-type filtering. Node-of-Ranvier of the myelinated fiber can be also aligned or randomly positioned in the fascicle. An extracellular_context-object is added to the fascicle-object using the attach_extracellular_stimulation-method. Intracellular stimulations can also be attached to the entire axon population or to a specified subset of fibers. The simulate- method creates an axon-object for each fiber of the fascicle, propagates the intracellular and extracellular stimulations and recorders, and simulates each of them. Parallelization of axons simulation is automatically handled by the framework and fully transparent to the user. The simulation output of each axon is saved inside a pre-defined folder.

Simulation top level: the nerve-object

The top-level nerve class is implemented to aggregate one or more fascicles and facilitate association with extracellular context. Fascicle-objects are attached to the nerve-object with the add_fascicle-method. The extracellular context is attached to the nerve-object and propagated to all fascicle-objects with the attach_extracellular_stimulation-method. The geometric parameters of the nerve-object and each fascicle-object are used to automatically generate the 3D model of the nerve. Calling the simulate-method of the nerve-object simulates each fascicle attached to the nerve and return either a Python dictionary containing all the results, or only the simulation parameters, with the results saved in a specified folder.

Optimizing a setup


The figure above describes the generic formalism adopted in NRV for running optimization algorithms on PNS stimulations. The optimization problem, defined in a Problem-class, couples a Cost_Function-object, which evaluates the cost of the problem based on user-specified outcomes (e.g., stimulus energy, percentage of axon recruitment, etc.), to an optimization method or algorithm embedded in the Optimizer-object. The optimization space is defined by specifying in the problem definition the subset of available adjustable simulation parameters (e.g., stimulus shape, electrode size, etc.) and, optionally, their respective bounds.

NRV provides methods and objects to construct the Cost_Function-object according to the desired cost evaluation method and optimization space. Specifically, the Cost_Function-class is constructed around four main objects (see figure above):

  • A filter: which is an optional Python callable-object, for vector formatting or space restriction of the optimization space. In most cases, this function is set to identity and will be taken as such if not defined by the user.

  • A static context: it defines starting point of the simulation model to be optimized. It can be any of the nmod-objects (axon, fascicle, or nerve) to which all objects describing stimulation, recording and more generally the physical context are attached.

  • A context_modifier-object: it updates the static context according to the output of the optimization algorithm and the optimization space. The context_modifier-object is an abstract class, and two daughter classes for specific optimization problems are currently predefined: for stimulus waveform optimization or for geometry (mainly electrodes) optimization. However, there is no restriction to define any specific optimization scenario by inheriting from the parent context_modifier-class.

  • A cost_evaluation-object: uses the simulation results to evaluate a user-defined cost. Some examples of cost evaluation are included in the current version of the framework. Nonetheless, the cost_evaluation-class is a generic Python callable-class, so it can also be user-defined.

Optimization methods and algorithm implemented in NRV rely on third-party optimization libraries: SciPy optimize [2020SciPy-NMeth] for continuous problems, Pyswarms [pyswarmsJOSS2018] as Particle Swarms Optimization metaheuristic for high-dimensional or discontinuous problems.


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