
fascicle_results.plot_block_summary(axes: <MagicMock name='mock.pyplot.axes' id='139958333172160'>, AP_start: float, freq: float = None, t_refractory: float = 1, contour_color: str = 'k', num: bool = False) None[source]

plot the block_summary of the fascicle in the Y-Z plane (transverse section) Color code: Green: fiber is blocked without any onset Blue: fiber is blocked with some onset Red: fiber is not blocked but has onset Grey: Fiber is nor blocked nor has onset

A cross-mark on the fiber means block state can’t be evaluted (is_blocked returned None) Alpha colorfill represents number of onset APs.

  • axes (matplotlib.axes) – axes of the figure to display the fascicle

  • AP_start (float) – timestamp of the test pulse start, in ms.

  • freq (float, optional) – Frequency of the stimulation, for KES block, by default None

  • t_refractory (float, optional) – Axon refractory period for myelinated fibers, by default 1

  • contour_color (str) – matplotlib color string applied to the contour. Black by default

  • num (bool) – if True, the index of each axon is displayed on top of the circle