- class nrv.optim.PSO_optimizer(n_particles=5, bounds=(0, 0), dimensions=50, options=None, maxiter=1, n_processes=None, init_pos=None, print_time=False, opt_type='global', static=False, ftol=None, ftol_iter=1, bh_strategy='nearest', oh_strategy=None, save_results=False, saving_file='pso_results.json', comment=None)[source]
Perform a Particle swarm optimization (PSO) on with a defined cost function using pyswarms library[1]
- Parameters:
n_particles (int) – number of particle of the swarm, by default 5
dimensions (int) – number of dimensions of each particle
options (dict) – hyperparameter of the PSO
maxiter (int) – number of iteration of the PSO
n_processes (int) – number of process used to parallelize cost calculation, by default None
bounds (tupple) – bounds of the particle, if equal no bounds, by default (0, 0)
init_pos (array) – initial position of the particles if None random, by default None
print_time (bool) – if True, print the optimisation time, by default True
opt_type (str) –
Neightboorhood type, by default “global” type possibly:
”global” : Global best PSO (star topology)
”local” : Local best PSO (ring topology)
static (bool) – if False and opt_type is local, update the neigthboorhood of each particle every iterations
bh_strategy (str) –
out of bound position strategy for pyswarms optimizer [2]:
”nearest” : Round the value to the nearest bound (default)
”periodic” : set to the modulus of the value between the two bounds
”random” : set to a random value
”shrink” : reduce the velocity to finish land on the bound
”reflective” : mirror the position form inside to ouside the bounds
”intermediate” : set to intermediate value between previous pos and bound
oh_strategy (dict (like {"w":str, "c1":str, "c2":str})) –
Dynamic options strategy for pyswarms optimizer [3], if None static options, by default None:
”exp_decay” : Decreases the parameter exponentially between limits
”lin_variation” : Decreases/increases the parameter linearly between limits
- ”nonlin_mod”Decreases/increases the parameter between limits
according to a nonlinear modulation index
”rand” : takes a uniform random value between limits
ftol (int) – relative error in objective_func(best_pos) acceptable for convergence, if None -np.inf default None
ftol – number of iterations over which the relative error in objective_func(best_pos) is acceptable for convergence, by default 1
save_results (bool) – save or not the output in a .json file, by default False
saving_file (str) – name of the file on wich the output should be saved, by default “pso_results.json”
- Returns:
results – contains all the parameters and outputs of the PSO
- Return type:
- links to pyswarms doc:
[1] Pyswams
[2] Pyswams handlers
Init method for |
Generic method returning all the atributes of an NRV_class instance |
Generic loading method for |
Perform a Particle swarm optimization |
Generic saving method for |
Generic method to set any attribute of |