
axon_results.rasterize(vm_key: str = 'V_mem', clear_artifacts: bool = True, **kwargs) None[source]

Rasterize a membrane potential (or filtered or any quantity processed from membrane voltage), with AP detection. This function adds 4 items to the class, with the key termination ‘_raster_position’, ‘_raster_x_position’, ‘_raster_time_index’, ‘_raster_time’ concatenated to the original key. These keys correspond to:

  • _raster_position : AP position as the indice of the original key

  • _raster_x_position : AP position as geometrical position in um

  • _raster_time_index : AP time as the indice of the original key

  • _raster_time : AP time as ms

  • vm_key (str, optional) – Rasterized Vmembrane key , by default “V_mem”

  • clear_artifacts (bool) – if True, remove artifacts (non-APs) rasterized points. By default True.

  • **kwargs

    • threshold: (float) threshold for AP detection, in mV. Default value is taken from axon model

    • t_min_AP: (float) minimum AP duration, in ms. Default is 0.1ms

    • t_refractory: (float) inter-AP duration, in ms. Default is 0.5ms

    • t_start: (float) start time for rasterize, in ms. Default is 0ms

    • t_stop: (float) stop time for rasterize, in ms. Default is simulation time.