
axon.simulate(**kwargs) axon_results[source]

Simulates the axon using neuron framework

  • t_sim (float) – total simulation time (ms), by default 20 ms

  • self.record_V_mem (bool) –

    if true, the membrane voltage is recorded, set to True by default

    see unmyelinated/myelinated to see where recording occur results stored with the key “V_mem”

  • self.record_I_mem (bool) – if true, the membrane current is recorded, set to False by default

  • self.record_I_ions (bool) – if true, the ionic currents are recorded, set to False by default

  • record_particules (bool) – if true, the particule states are recorded, set to False by default

  • self.loaded_footprints (dict or bool) – Dictionnary composed of extracellular footprint array, the keys are int value of the corresponding electrode ID, if None, footprints calculated during the simulation, set to None by default


axon_sim – all informations on neuron, segment position and all simulation results

Return type:
