Activation thresholds with LIFE and cuff-like electrodes
This script evaluates the activation threshold of myelinated fibers when stimulated with a cuff electrode and with a LIFE
import nrv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#Simulate with cuff
#Stimulus definition
t_inter = 0
cath_an_ratio = 0
anod_first = False
pw = 50e-3 #stimulation PW is 50µs
#binary search parameters
amp_max = 600 #maximum stimulation amplitude, in µs
amp_tol = 5 #binary search tolerance, in %
#Axon ranges from 1µm to 20µm
d_min = 2
d_max = 20
n_diam = 10
diam_list = np.round(np.linspace(d_min,d_max,num=n_diam))
model= 'MRG'
n_node = 20 #20 Node of Ranvier for each axon
# axon location
z_axon = 0 # axon z position, in [um]
y_axon = 100 # axon z position, in [um]
##### electrodes definition
### Simulation box size
Outer_D = 6 # in in [mm]
#### Nerve and fascicle geometry
Nerve_D = 1000 # in [um]
Fascicle_D = 800 # in [um]
perineurium_thickeness = 25 # in [um]
#dummy useless stimulus
start = 1
I_cathod = 10
I_anod = 0
T_cathod = pw
T_inter = t_inter
stim1 = nrv.stimulus()
stim1.biphasic_pulse(start, I_cathod, T_cathod, I_anod, T_inter)
thr_cuff = []
for diam in diam_list:
print(f"CUFF - PW = {int(pw*1e3)}us - D_axon {diam}um")
#set the FEM parameters
extra_stim = nrv.FEM_stimulation()
extra_stim.reshape_nerve(Nerve_D, L)
#axon creation
axon1 = nrv.myelinated(y_axon,z_axon,diam,L,rec='nodes',model=model)
n_node = len(axon1.x_nodes)
x_elec = axon1.x_nodes[(n_node//2)] # electrode x position, in [um]
elec_1 = nrv.CUFF_electrode('CUFF_1', contact_length=contact_width,\
contact_thickness=contact_thickness, insulator_length=insulator_width,\
insulator_thickness=insulator_thickness, x_center=x_elec)
# extracellular stimulation setup
extra_stim.add_electrode(elec_1, stim1)
new_thr = nrv.firing_threshold_from_axon(axon1,cath_time= pw,amp_max=amp_max,amp_tol=amp_tol,verbose=False,t_inter = t_inter,
elec_id = 0, cath_an_ratio = cath_an_ratio,anod_first = anod_first,t_sim = 3)
print(f"Threshold: {np.round(new_thr,1)}µA")
del extra_stim,axon1 #to prevent meshing error (known bug)
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 2.0um
Threshold: 403.1µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 4.0um
Threshold: 166.4µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 6.0um
Threshold: 96.1µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 8.0um
Threshold: 69.1µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 10.0um
NRV WARNING: [18400.00390625 100. 0. ] not found in mesh, value of [18400. 100. 0.] reused
Threshold: 55.1µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 12.0um
Threshold: 50.4µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 14.0um
Threshold: 48.0µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 16.0um
NRV WARNING: [21000.00390625 100. 0. ] not found in mesh, value of [21000. 100. 0.] reused
Threshold: 45.1µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 18.0um
Threshold: 42.8µA
CUFF - PW = 50us - D_axon 20.0um
Threshold: 41.6µA
#Simulate with LIFE
#binary search parameters
amp_max = 150 #maximum stimulation amplitude, in µs
LIFE_length = 1000 #electrode active site length
y_elect = 0
z_elect = 0
D_1 = 25 #electrode diam
thr_LIFE = []
for diam in diam_list:
print(f"LIFE - PW = {int(pw*1e3)}us - D_axon {diam}um")
#set the FEM parameters
extra_stim = nrv.FEM_stimulation()
extra_stim.reshape_nerve(Nerve_D, L)
#axon creation
axon1 = nrv.myelinated(y_axon,z_axon,diam,L,rec='nodes',model=model)
n_node = len(axon1.x_nodes)
x_elec = axon1.x_nodes[n_node//2] # electrode y position, in [um]
y_c = 0
x_1_offset = x_elec - (LIFE_length/2)
LIFE = nrv.LIFE_electrode('LIFE_1', D_1, LIFE_length, x_1_offset, y_elect, z_elect)
# extracellular stimulation setup
extra_stim.add_electrode(LIFE, stim1)
new_thr = nrv.firing_threshold_from_axon(axon1,cath_time= pw,amp_max=amp_max,amp_tol=amp_tol,verbose=False,t_inter = t_inter,
elec_id = 0, cath_an_ratio = cath_an_ratio,anod_first = anod_first,t_sim = 3)
print(f"Threshold: {np.round(new_thr,1)}µA")
del extra_stim,axon1 #to prevent meshing error (known bug)
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 2.0um
Threshold: 78.5µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 4.0um
Threshold: 38.1µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 6.0um
Threshold: 24.0µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 8.0um
Threshold: 18.5µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 10.0um
NRV WARNING: [12650.00488281 100. 0. ] not found in mesh, value of [12650. 100. 0.] reused
Threshold: 16.1µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 12.0um
Threshold: 14.9µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 14.0um
Threshold: 14.9µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 16.0um
Threshold: 14.4µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 18.0um
Threshold: 13.8µA
LIFE - PW = 50us - D_axon 20.0um
Threshold: 13.2µA
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.semilogy(diam_list,thr_LIFE,label ='LIFE')
ax.semilogy(diam_list,thr_cuff,label ='cuff')
ax.set_xlabel("Axon diameter (µm)")
ax.set_ylabel("Activation threshold (µA)")