Return true if ALL APs have reached their last position (in both direction) within the simulation timeframe, else False |
Return true if ALL APs have reached the both ends of the axon |
Init method for |
check if an axon is blocked or not. |
Return axon block characteristics: blocked, onset response, number of APs) |
Check if a test AP is correctely triggered during an axon simulation and if so return the trigger time |
compute the cutoff frequency of the axon's membrane and add it to the simulation self dictionnary NB: The frequency is computed in [kHz] |
Count number of APs detected in vm_key |
Return True is at least one collision between two APs is detected, else False |
Returns the starting time of extracellular stimulation from axon simulation results |
Return elect caracteristics (blocked, Onset response, ...) |
Basic Filtering of quantities. |
Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value. |
generate from the results new version of the simulated axon. |
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. |
Return the propagtion speed of each APs, in m/s |
Returns the intersection points of two 1D poly |
Returns the length (number of x pts) of the AP in the downward direction |
Returns the length (number of x pts) of the AP in the upward direction |
Returns the averaged propagtion speed of each APs, in m/s. |
Return the x-position recorded array |
Returns three lists: - two containing the x,t coordinates of the interAPs colliding coordinates |
Returns the estimated collision coordinates of two APs. |
get the axon membrane capacitance or permitivity |
get the membran complexe admitance of each axon at a position x and a time t for a given frequency |
get the membrane conductivity at a position x and a time t |
Generic method returning all the atributes of an NRV_class instance |
Returns the x,t start values of the AP |
Return list of (x,t) start positions of each detected APs |
Returns the x,t values the maximum AP x-position |
Returns the x,t values the minimum AP x-position |
Return true if the AP has reached the end of the axon in both direction, else false |
Return true if AP has reached it's last position (in both direction) within the simulation timeframe, else False |
check if the axon is blocked or not. |
Return True if an AP is detected, else False. |
Fit the AP with two 1D polynomial equations: one for the upward propagation, one for the downward propagation |
Generic loading method for |
Plot one or several stimulis of the simulation extra-cellular context |
If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise, raise a KeyError. |
Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple. |
Rasterize a membrane potential (or filtered or any quantity processed from membrane voltage), with AP detection. |
Remove a key or a list of keys from the results |
Remove artifacts (non-APs) rasterized points. |
Generic saving method for |
Generic method to set any attribute of |
Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary. |
Compute the velocity of a spike from rasterized data in a dictionary. |
Detects individual Action potential in vm_key and split them in lists |
overload of dict update method to update both attibute and items |