Source code for nrv.nmod._unmyelinated

NRV-:class:`.unmyelinated` handling.

import math

import numpy as np

from ._axons import axon, neuron, unmyelinated_models, create_Nseg_freq_shape, d_lambda_rule
from ..backend._NRV_Class import is_empty_iterable

[docs] class unmyelinated(axon): """ Unmyelinated axon class. Automatic refinition of all neuron sections and properties. User-friendly object including model definition Inherit from axon class. see axon for further detail. Parameters ---------- y : float y coordinate for the axon, in um z : float z coordinate for the axon, in um d : float axon diameter, in um L : float axon length along the x axins, in um model : str choice of conductance based model, possibly: "HH" : original squid giant axon model, warning - low temperature model, not adapted to mamalian modeling "Rattay_Aberham" : Rattay Aberham model, see [1] for details "Sundt" : Sundt model, see [1] for details "Tigerholm" : Tigerholm model, see [1] for details "Schild_94" : Schild 1994 model, see [1] for details "Schild_97" : Schild 1997 model, see [1] for details dt : float computation step for simulations, in ms. By default equal to 1 us Nrec : int Number of points along the axon to record for simulation results. Between 0 and the number of segment, if set to 0, all segments are recorded Nsec : int Number of sections in the axon, by default 1. Usefull to create umnyelinated axons with a variable segment density Nseg_per_sec : int Number of segment per section in the axon. If set to 0, the number of segment is automatically computed using d-lambda rule and following paramters. If set by user, please use odd numbers freq : float Frequency used for the d-lmbda rule, corresponding to the maximum membrane current frequency, by default set to 100 Hz freq_min : float Minimal frequency fot the d-lambda rule when using an irregular number of segment along the axon, if set to 0, all sections have the same frequency determined by the previous parameter mesh_shape : str Shape of the frequencial distribution for the dlmabda rule along the axon, pick between: "pyramidal" -> min frequencies on both sides and linear increase up to the middle at the maximum frequency "sigmoid" -> same a befor with sigmoid increase instead of linear "plateau" -> sale as pyramidal except the max frequency is holded on a central plateau "plateau_sigmoid" -> same as previous with sigmoid increase alpha_max : float Proportion of the axon set to the maximum frequency for plateau shapes, by default set to 0.3 d_lambda : float value of d-lambda for the dlambda rule, v_init : float Initial value of the membrane voltage in mV, set None to get an automatically model attributed value T : float temperature in C, set None to get an automatically model attributed value ID : int axon ID, by default set to 0, threshold : float voltage threshold in mV for further spike detection in post-processing, by defautl set to -40mV, see post-processing files for further help Note ---- reference [1] corresponds to: Pelot, N. A., Catherall, D. C., Thio, B. J., Titus, N. D., Liang, E. D., Henriquez, C. S., & Grill, W. M. (2021). Excitation properties of computational models of unmyelinated peripheral axons. Journal of neurophysiology, 125(1), 86-104. """
[docs] def __init__( self, y=0, z=0, d=1, L=1000, model="Rattay_Aberham", dt=0.001, Nrec=0, Nsec=1, Nseg_per_sec=0, freq=100, freq_min=0, mesh_shape="plateau_sigmoid", alpha_max=0.3, d_lambda=0.1, v_init=None, T=None, ID=0, threshold=-40, **kwarks, ): """ initialisation of an unmyelinted axon """ super().__init__( y, z, d, L, dt=dt, Nseg_per_sec=Nseg_per_sec, freq=freq, freq_min=freq_min, mesh_shape=mesh_shape, alpha_max=alpha_max, d_lambda=d_lambda, v_init=v_init, T=T, ID=ID, threshold=threshold, **kwarks, ) self.Nsec = Nsec self.Nrec = Nrec self.myelinated = False if model in unmyelinated_models: self.model = model else: self.model = "Rattay_Aberham" self.__compute_axon_parameters()
def __compute_axon_parameters(self): """ generate axon from parameters set by user """ ## Handling v_init if self.v_init is None: # model driven if self.model == "HH": self.v_init = -67.5 elif self.model == "Rattay_Aberham": self.v_init = -70 elif self.model == "Sundt": self.v_init = -60 elif self.model == "Tigerholm": self.v_init = -62 # -55 in Pelot 2020, changed by FK 19/01/2021 else: self.v_init = -70 else: # user driven self.v_init = self.v_init ## Handling temperature if self.T is None: # model driven if self.model == "HH": self.T = 32 # original HH model, cold model, maximal temperature at which spike propagation is not altered else: self.T = 37 # mamalian models # create and connect (if more than 1) sections self.unmyelinated_sections = [ neuron.h.Section(name="U_axon[%d]" % i) for i in range(self.Nsec) ] for sec in self.unmyelinated_sections: # morphologic parameters sec.L = self.L / self.Nsec sec.diam = self.d if self.Nsec > 1: for i in range(self.Nsec - 1): self.unmyelinated_sections[i + 1].connect( self.unmyelinated_sections[i], 1, 0 ) # implement neuron mechanisms self.__set_model(self.model) # define the geometry of the axon self._axon__define_shape() # define the number of segments self.__set_Nseg() # get nodes positions self.__get_seg_positions() self.__get_rec_positions(self.Nrec)
[docs] def save( self, save=False, fname="axon.json", extracel_context=False, intracel_context=False, rec_context=False, blacklist=[], ): """ Return axon as dictionary and eventually save it as json file Parameters ---------- save : bool if True, save in json files fname : str Path and Name of the saving file, by default "axon.json" Returns ------- ax_dic : dict dictionary containing all information """ blacklist += ["unmyelinated_sections"] return super().save( save=save, fname=fname, extracel_context=extracel_context, intracel_context=intracel_context, rec_context=rec_context, blacklist=blacklist, )
def __set_Nseg(self): """ sets the number of segment, either with the number chosen by user, or using the dlambda rule, or using the dlambda rule with a frequency array of different shapes (see create_Nseg_freq_shape() help for more details on shapes) """ if self.freq_min == 0 or self.Nsec == 1: # uniform meshing # compute the correct number of segments if needed, or take the one given by user if self.Nseg_per_sec != 0: Nseg = self.Nseg_per_sec else: Nseg = d_lambda_rule( self.unmyelinated_sections[0].L, self.d_lambda, self.freq, self.unmyelinated_sections[0], ) # set the number of segment for all declared sections for sec in self.unmyelinated_sections: sec.nseg = Nseg if self.model == "Schild_94" or self.model == "Schild_97": sec.nseg_caintscale = Nseg sec.nseg_caextscale = Nseg self.Nseg += Nseg else: # non uniform meshing freqs = create_Nseg_freq_shape( self.Nsec, self.mesh_shape, self.freq, self.freq_min, self.alpha_max ) for k in range(self.Nsec): Nseg = d_lambda_rule( self.unmyelinated_sections[k].L, self.d_lambda, freqs[k], self.unmyelinated_sections[k], ) self.unmyelinated_sections[k].nseg = Nseg if self.model == "Schild_94" or self.model == "Schild_97": sec.nseg_caintscale = Nseg sec.nseg_caextscale = Nseg self.Nseg += Nseg def __get_seg_positions(self): """ get all the computation position of the axon. This corresponds to the positions of the segment without the duplicates of connected sections """ x_offset = 0 x = [] for sec in self.unmyelinated_sections: for seg in sec.allseg(): if is_empty_iterable(x): x.append(seg.x * (sec.L) + x_offset) else: x_seg = seg.x * (sec.L) + x_offset if x_seg != x[-1]: x.append(x_seg) x_offset += sec.L self.x = np.asarray(x) def __get_rec_positions(self, Nrec): """ get recording x-coordinates and relative positions, for internal use only Parameters ---------- Nrec : int number of points to record in the axon during the simulation, can be chosen between 3 and maximum the number of programmed segments + 2 (both sides) or will be by default set to the nearest value """ self.rec_position_list = [] for k in range(self.Nsec): self.rec_position_list.append([]) if Nrec < 4 and Nrec != 0: self.Nrec = 3 # at least, 3 positions will be memorized along the axon (extrema and middle) self.rec_position_list[0].append(0) if (self.Nsec % 2) == 0: self.rec_position_list[self.Nsec / 2].append(0) else: self.rec_position_list[math.floor(self.Nsec / 2)].append(0.5) self.rec_position_list[-1].append(1) self.x_rec = np.array([0, self.L / 2, self.L]) elif Nrec == 0 or Nrec > self.Nsec + self.Nseg: # record on all nodes self.Nrec = self.Nsec + self.Nseg + 1 for k in range(self.Nsec): for seg in self.unmyelinated_sections[k].allseg(): self.rec_position_list[k].append(seg.x) # delete last position as it will be a dupplicate with next section first seg del self.rec_position_list[k][-1] # for the last section only, add the max position self.rec_position_list[-1].append(1) self.x_rec = self.x else: self.Nrec = Nrec self.rec_position_list[0].append(0) remaining_recs = np.arange(1, self.Nrec - 1) * (self.Nsec / (self.Nrec - 1)) for rec in remaining_recs: self.rec_position_list[math.floor(rec)].append(rec - math.floor(rec)) self.rec_position_list[-1].append(1) self.x_rec = np.linspace(0, self.L, num=self.Nrec, endpoint=True) def __set_model(self, model): """ Adds the passive, Hodgking Huxley and extracellular mechanisms, set values to to one given by user at the initialisation or default ones. For internal use only. """ for sec in self.unmyelinated_sections: # insert mechanisms if self.model in ["HH", "Rattay_Aberham", "Sundt"]: sec.insert("pas") sec.insert("extracellular") sec.xg[0] = 1e10 # short circuit, no myelin sec.xc[0] = 0 # short circuit, no myelin ## Except for HH, the following code is directly take from modelDB: ## Pelot N (2020) Excitation Properties of Computational Models of Unmyelinated Peripheral Axons J Neurophysiology if model == "HH": sec.insert("hh") # explicit mechanisms settings = 1.0 sec.Ra = 200.0 sec.gnabar_hh = 0.120 sec.gkbar_hh = 0.036 sec.gl_hh = 0.0003 sec.ena = 50 sec.ek = -77 sec.el_hh = -54.3 elif model == "Rattay_Aberham": sec.insert( "RattayAberham" ) # Model adjusted for a resting potential of -70mV instead of 0 (subtract Vrest from each reversal potential) sec.Ra = 100 = 1 sec.v = -70 sec.ena = 45 sec.ek = -82 sec.e_pas = -70 elif model == "Sundt": sec.insert("nahh") sec.gnabar_nahh = 0.04 sec.mshift_nahh = -6 # NaV1.7/1.8 channelshift sec.hshift_nahh = 6 # NaV1.7/1.8 channelshift sec.insert("borgkdr") # insert delayed rectifier K channels sec.gkdrbar_borgkdr = 0.04 # density of K channels sec.ek = -90 # K equilibrium potential sec.g_pas = 1 / 10000 # set Rm = 10000 ohms-cm2 sec.Ra = 100 # intracellular resistance sec.v = -60 sec.e_pas = ( sec.v + (sec.ina + sec.ik) / sec.g_pas ) # calculate leak equilibrium potential elif self.model == "Tigerholm": sec.insert("ks") sec.gbar_ks = 0.0069733 sec.insert("kf") sec.gbar_kf = 0.012756 sec.insert("h") sec.gbar_h = 0.0025377 sec.insert("nattxs") sec.gbar_nattxs = 0.10664 sec.insert("nav1p8") sec.gbar_nav1p8 = 0.24271 sec.insert("nav1p9") sec.gbar_nav1p9 = 9.4779e-05 sec.insert("nakpump") sec.smalla_nakpump = -0.0047891 sec.insert("kdrTiger") sec.gbar_kdrTiger = 0.018002 sec.insert("kna") sec.gbar_kna = 0.00042 sec.insert("naoi") sec.insert("koi") sec.theta_naoi = 0.029 sec.theta_koi = 0.029 sec.insert("leak") sec.insert("extrapump") sec.Ra = 35.5 = 1.0 sec.celsiusT_ks = self.T sec.celsiusT_kf = self.T sec.celsiusT_h = self.T sec.celsiusT_nattxs = self.T sec.celsiusT_nav1p8 = self.T sec.celsiusT_nav1p9 = self.T sec.celsiusT_nakpump = self.T sec.celsiusT_kdrTiger = self.T sec.v = -55 else: # Schild 94 or 97 models R = 8314 F = 96500 sec.insert( "leakSchild" ) # All mechanisms from Schild 1994 inserted into model sec.insert("kd") sec.insert("ka") sec.insert("can") sec.insert("cat") sec.insert("kds") sec.insert("kca") sec.insert("caextscale") sec.insert("caintscale") sec.insert("CaPump") sec.insert("NaCaPump") sec.insert("NaKpumpSchild") if self.model == "Schild_94": sec.insert("naf") sec.insert("nas") else: sec.insert("naf97mean") sec.insert("nas97mean") # Ionic concentrations # cao0_ca_ion = 2.0 # not in section, adapter considering: neuron.h.cao0_ca_ion = 2.0 # [mM] Initial Cao Concentration # cai0_ca_ion = 0.000117 # same as cao_ca_ion neuron.h.cai0_ca_ion = 0.000117 # [mM] Initial Cai Concentrations ko = 5.4 # [mM] External K Concentration ki = 145.0 # [mM] Internal K Concentration kstyle = neuron.h.ion_style( "k_ion", 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 ) # Allows ek to be calculated manually sec.ek = ((R * (self.T + 273.15)) / F) * math.log( ko / ki ) # Manual Calculation of ek in order to use Schild F and R values nao = 154.0 # [mM] External Na Concentration nai = 8.9 # [mM] Internal Na Concentration nastyle = neuron.h.ion_style( "na_ion", 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 ) # Allows ena to be calculated manually sec.ena = ((R * (self.T + 273.15)) / F) * math.log( nao / nai ) # Manual Calculation of ena in order to use Schild F and R values if self.model == "Schild_97": sec.gbar_naf97mean = 0.022434928 # [S/cm^2] This block sets the conductance to the conductances in Schild 1997 sec.gbar_nas97mean = 0.022434928 sec.gbar_kd = 0.001956534 sec.gbar_ka = 0.001304356 sec.gbar_kds = 0.000782614 sec.gbar_kca = 0.000913049 sec.gbar_can = 0.000521743 sec.gbar_cat = 0.00018261 sec.gbna_leakSchild = 1.8261e-05 sec.gbca_leakSchild = 9.13049e-06 sec.Ra = 100 = 1.326291192 sec.v = -48 sec.L_caintscale = self.L / self.Nsec sec.L_caextscale = self.L / self.Nsec ############################### ## Intracellular stimulation ## ###############################
[docs] def insert_I_Clamp(self, position, t_start, duration, amplitude): """ Insert a I clamp stimulation Parameters ---------- position : float relative position over the axon t_start : float starting time, in ms duration : float duration of the pulse, in ms amplitude : float amplitude of the pulse (nA) """ # adapt position to the number of sections portion_length = 1.0 / self.Nsec stim_sec = int(math.floor(position / portion_length)) stim_pos = (position / portion_length) - math.floor(position / portion_length) # add the stimulation to the axon self.intra_current_stim.append( neuron.h.IClamp(stim_pos, sec=self.unmyelinated_sections[stim_sec]) ) # modify the stimulation parameters self.intra_current_stim[-1].delay = t_start self.intra_current_stim[-1].dur = duration self.intra_current_stim[-1].amp = amplitude # save the stimulation parameter for results self.intra_current_stim_positions.append(position * self.L) self.intra_current_stim_starts.append(t_start) self.intra_current_stim_durations.append(duration) self.intra_current_stim_amplitudes.append(amplitude)
[docs] def insert_V_Clamp(self, position, stimulus): """ Insert a V clamp stimulation Parameters ---------- position : float relative position over the axon stimulus : stimulus object stimulus for the clamp, see for more information """ # adapt position to the number of sections portion_length = 1.0 / self.Nsec stim_sec = int(math.floor(position / portion_length)) stim_pos = (position / portion_length) - math.floor(position / portion_length) # add the stimulation to the axon self.intra_voltage_stim = neuron.h.VClamp( stim_pos, sec=self.unmyelinated_sections[stim_sec] ) # save the stimulation parameter for results self.intra_current_stim_position = position * self.L # save the stimulus for later use self.intra_voltage_stim_stimulus = stimulus # set fake duration self.intra_voltage_stim.dur[0] = 1e9
############################## ## Result recording methods ## ############################## def __set_recorders_with_key(self, *args): """ To automate the methods set_recorder. For internal use only. Parameters ---------- *args : list(tuple) list of tuple containing a rec list to set and the corresonding key to access NB: keys should be str such as "_ref_xxx_yyy" where xxx is the variable to access and yyy the .mod file suffix if the variable is in one """ for k in range(self.Nsec): for pos in self.rec_position_list[k]: for t in args: key = t[1] # print(dir(self.unmyelinated_sections[k](pos))) # print(key, getattr(self.unmyelinated_sections[k](pos),key)) rec = neuron.h.Vector().record( getattr(self.unmyelinated_sections[k](pos), key), sec=self.unmyelinated_sections[k], ) t[0].append(rec) def __get_var_from_mod(self, key): """ return a column with value in every recording point of a constant from a mod. For internal use only. """ val = np.zeros((len(self.x_rec))) i = 0 for k in range(self.Nsec): for pos in self.rec_position_list[k]: # print(getattr(self.unmyelinated_sections[k](pos), key)[0]) val[i] = getattr(self.unmyelinated_sections[k](pos), key)[0] i += 1 return val def __get_recorders_from_list(self, reclist): """ Convert reclist in np.array To automate methods set_recorder. For internal use only. Parameters ---------- reclist : neuron.h.List List in witch the reccorders are saved Returns ------- val : np.array array of every recorded value for all rec point and time """ dim = (self.Nrec, self.t_len) val = np.zeros(dim) for k in range(dim[0]): val[k, :] = np.asarray(reclist[k]) return val
[docs] def set_membrane_voltage_recorders(self): """ setup the membrane voltage recording. For internal use only. """ self.vreclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key((self.vreclist, "_ref_v"))
[docs] def get_membrane_voltage(self): """ get the membrane voltage at the end of simulation. For internal use only. """ return self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.vreclist)
[docs] def set_membrane_current_recorders(self): """ setup the membrane current recording. For internal use only. """ self.ireclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key((self.ireclist, "_ref_i_membrane"))
[docs] def get_membrane_current(self): """ get the membrane current at the end of simulation. For internal use only. """ return self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.ireclist)
[docs] def set_ionic_current_recorders(self): """ setup the ionic currents recording. For internal use only. """ if self.model in ["HH", "Rattay_Aberham", "Sundt"]: self.i_na_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.i_k_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.i_l_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.i_na_reclist, "_ref_ina"), (self.i_k_reclist, "_ref_ik"), (self.i_l_reclist, "_ref_i_pas"), ) else: self.i_na_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.i_k_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.i_ca_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.i_na_reclist, "_ref_ina"), (self.i_k_reclist, "_ref_ik"), (self.i_ca_reclist, "_ref_cai"), )
[docs] def get_ionic_current(self): """ get the ionic currents at the end of simulation. For internal use only. """ results = [] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.i_na_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.i_k_reclist)] if self.model in ["HH", "Rattay_Aberham", "Sundt"]: results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.i_l_reclist)] else: results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.i_ca_reclist)] return results
[docs] def set_conductance_recorders(self): """ setup the membrane conductance recording. For internal use only. """ if self.model in ["HH", "Rattay_Aberham", "Sundt"]: self.g_na_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_k_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_l_reclist = neuron.h.List() if self.model == "HH": self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.g_na_reclist, "_ref_gna_hh"), (self.g_k_reclist, "_ref_gk_hh"), (self.g_l_reclist, "_ref_gl_hh"), ) elif self.model == "Rattay_Aberham": self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.g_na_reclist, "_ref_gna_RattayAberham"), (self.g_k_reclist, "_ref_gk_RattayAberham"), (self.g_l_reclist, "_ref_gl_RattayAberham"), ) else: self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.g_na_reclist, "_ref_gna_nahh"), (self.g_k_reclist, "_ref_gkdr_borgkdr"), (self.g_l_reclist, "_ref_g_pas"), ) elif self.model == "Tigerholm": self.g_nav17_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_nav18_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_nav19_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_kA_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_kM_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_kdr_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_kna_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_h_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_naleak_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_kleak_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.g_nav17_reclist, "_ref_g_nattxs"), (self.g_nav18_reclist, "_ref_g_nav1p8"), (self.g_nav19_reclist, "_ref_g_nav1p9"), (self.g_kA_reclist, "_ref_g_ks"), (self.g_kM_reclist, "_ref_g_kf"), (self.g_kdr_reclist, "_ref_g_kdrTiger"), (self.g_kna_reclist, "_ref_g_kna"), (self.g_h_reclist, "_ref_g_h"), (self.g_naleak_reclist, "_ref_gnaleak_leak"), (self.g_kleak_reclist, "_ref_gkleak_leak"), ) else: self.g_naf_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_nas_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_kd_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_ka_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_kds_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_kca_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_can_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.g_cat_reclist = neuron.h.List() sup_key = "" if self.model == "Schild_97": sup_key = "97mean" self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.g_naf_reclist, "_ref_g_naf" + sup_key), (self.g_nas_reclist, "_ref_g_nas" + sup_key), (self.g_kd_reclist, "_ref_g_kd"), (self.g_ka_reclist, "_ref_g_ka"), (self.g_kds_reclist, "_ref_g_kds"), (self.g_kca_reclist, "_ref_g_kca"), (self.g_can_reclist, "_ref_g_can"), (self.g_cat_reclist, "_ref_g_cat"), )
[docs] def get_membrane_conductance(self): """ get the membrane voltage at the end of simulation. For internal use only. NB: [S/cm^{2}] (see Neuron unit) """ return sum(self.get_ionic_conductance())
[docs] def get_ionic_conductance(self): """ get the membrane conductance at the end of simulation. For internal use only. NB: [S/cm^{2}] (see Neuron unit) """ results = [] if self.model in ["HH", "Rattay_Aberham", "Sundt"]: results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_na_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_k_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_l_reclist)] elif self.model == "Tigerholm": results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_nav17_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_nav18_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_nav19_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_kA_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_kM_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_kdr_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_kna_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_h_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_naleak_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_kleak_reclist)] else: results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_naf_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_nas_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_kd_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_ka_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_kds_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_kca_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_can_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.g_cat_reclist)] return results
[docs] def get_membrane_capacitance(self): """ get the membrane capacitance NB: [uF/cm^{2}] (see Neuron unit) """ return self.__get_var_from_mod("_ref_cm")
[docs] def set_particules_values_recorders(self): """ setup the particule value recording. For internal use only. """ if self.model in ["HH", "Rattay_Aberham", "Sundt"]: self.hhmreclist = neuron.h.List() self.hhnreclist = neuron.h.List() self.hhhreclist = neuron.h.List() if self.model == "HH": self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.hhmreclist, "_ref_m_hh"), (self.hhnreclist, "_ref_n_hh"), (self.hhhreclist, "_ref_h_hh"), ) elif self.model == "Rattay_Aberham": self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.hhmreclist, "_ref_m_RattayAberham"), (self.hhnreclist, "_ref_n_RattayAberham"), (self.hhhreclist, "_ref_h_RattayAberham"), ) else: self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.hhmreclist, "_ref_m_nahh"), (self.hhnreclist, "_ref_n_borgkdr"), (self.hhhreclist, "_ref_h_nahh"), ) elif self.model == "Tigerholm": # NAV 1.8 self.m_nav18_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.h_nav18_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.s_nav18_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.u_nav18_reclist = neuron.h.List() # NAV 1.9 self.m_nav19_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.h_nav19_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.s_nav19_reclist = neuron.h.List() # NATTX - sensitive self.m_nattxs_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.h_nattxs_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.s_nattxs_reclist = neuron.h.List() # K delayed rectifier self.n_kdr_reclist = neuron.h.List() # K fast channel self.m_kf_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.h_kf_reclist = neuron.h.List() # K slow channel self.ns_ks_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.nf_ks_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Sodium dependent K channel self.w_kna_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Hyperpolarization channel self.ns_h_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.nf_h_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.m_nav18_reclist, "_ref_m_nav1p8"), (self.h_nav18_reclist, "_ref_h_nav1p8"), (self.s_nav18_reclist, "_ref_s_nav1p8"), (self.u_nav18_reclist, "_ref_u_nav1p8"), (self.m_nav19_reclist, "_ref_m_nav1p9"), (self.h_nav19_reclist, "_ref_h_nav1p9"), (self.s_nav19_reclist, "_ref_s_nav1p9"), (self.m_nattxs_reclist, "_ref_m_nattxs"), (self.h_nattxs_reclist, "_ref_h_nattxs"), (self.s_nattxs_reclist, "_ref_s_nattxs"), (self.n_kdr_reclist, "_ref_n_kdrTiger"), (self.m_kf_reclist, "_ref_m_kf"), (self.h_kf_reclist, "_ref_h_kf"), (self.ns_ks_reclist, "_ref_ns_ks"), (self.nf_ks_reclist, "_ref_nf_ks"), (self.w_kna_reclist, "_ref_w_kna"), (self.ns_h_reclist, "_ref_ns_h"), (self.nf_h_reclist, "_ref_nf_h"), ) else: # should be both Schild_94 or Schild_97 # High Threshold long lasting Ca self.d_can_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.f1_can_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.f2_can_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Low Threshold transient Ca self.d_cat_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.f_cat_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Early Transient Outward K self.p_ka_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.q_ka_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Ca activated K self.c_kca_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Delayed rectifier K self.n_kd_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Slowly inactivated K self.x_kds_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.y1_kds_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.d_can_reclist, "_ref_d_can"), (self.f1_can_reclist, "_ref_f1_can"), (self.f2_can_reclist, "_ref_f2_can"), (self.d_cat_reclist, "_ref_d_cat"), (self.f_cat_reclist, "_ref_f_cat"), (self.p_ka_reclist, "_ref_p_ka"), (self.q_ka_reclist, "_ref_q_ka"), (self.c_kca_reclist, "_ref_c_kca"), (self.n_kd_reclist, "_ref_n_kd"), (self.x_kds_reclist, "_ref_x_kds"), (self.y1_kds_reclist, "_ref_y1_kds"), ) if self.model == "Schild_94": # Fast Na self.m_naf_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.h_naf_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.l_naf_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Slow Na self.m_nas_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.h_nas_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.m_naf_reclist, "_ref_m_naf"), (self.h_naf_reclist, "_ref_h_naf"), (self.l_naf_reclist, "_ref_l_naf"), (self.m_nas_reclist, "_ref_m_nas"), (self.h_nas_reclist, "_ref_h_nas"), ) else: # should be Schild_94 # Fast Na self.m_naf_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.h_naf_reclist = neuron.h.List() # Slow Na self.m_nas_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.h_nas_reclist = neuron.h.List() self.__set_recorders_with_key( (self.m_naf_reclist, "_ref_m_naf97mean"), (self.h_naf_reclist, "_ref_h_naf97mean"), (self.m_nas_reclist, "_ref_m_nas97mean"), (self.h_nas_reclist, "_ref_h_nas97mean"), )
[docs] def get_particles_values(self): """ get the particules values at the end of simulation. For internal use only. """ results = [] if self.model in ["HH", "Rattay_Aberham", "Sundt"]: results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.hhmreclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.hhnreclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.hhhreclist)] elif self.model in ["Tigerholm"]: results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.m_nav18_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.h_nav18_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.s_nav18_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.u_nav18_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.m_nav19_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.h_nav19_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.s_nav19_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.m_nattxs_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.h_nattxs_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.s_nattxs_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.n_kdr_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.m_kf_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.h_kf_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.ns_ks_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.nf_ks_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.w_kna_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.ns_h_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.nf_h_reclist)] else: # should be "Schild_94" or "Schild_97" results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.d_can_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.f1_can_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.f2_can_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.d_cat_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.f_cat_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.p_ka_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.q_ka_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.c_kca_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.n_kd_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.x_kds_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.y1_kds_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.m_naf_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.h_naf_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.m_nas_reclist)] results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.h_nas_reclist)] if self.model == "Schild_94": results += [self.__get_recorders_from_list(self.l_naf_reclist)] return results