import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
from ...backend._file_handler import rmv_ext
from ...backend._log_interface import rise_warning
from ...utils._nrv_function import nrv_interp
################# generate waveform functions ######################
## interpolation
def interpolate(
y: np.ndarray,
x: np.ndarray = [],
bounds=(0, 0),
:meta private:
y : np.ndarray
x : np.ndarray, optional
_description_, by default []
scale : int, optional
_description_, by default 4
intertype : str, optional
_description_, by default "Spline"
bounds : tuple, optional
_description_, by default (0, 0)
save : bool, optional
_description_, by default False
filename : str, optional
_description_, by default "interpolate.dat"
save_scale : bool, optional
_description_, by default False
kwargs_interp : dict, optional
_description_, by default {}
y_scale = []
if len(x) == 0:
x = [i + 1 for i in range(len(y))]
if type(scale) == float or type(scale) == int:
x_scale = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], int(scale))
elif len(scale) >= 1:
x_scale = scale
x_scale = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], (1 / 100) * (len(x) - 1) + 1)
if intertype.lower() == "spline":
intertype = "catmull-rom"
y_interpol = nrv_interp(x, y, kind=intertype.lower(), **kwargs_interp)
y_scale = y_interpol(x_scale)
if bounds[0] != bounds[1]:
for i in range(len(y_scale)):
if y_scale[i] < min(bounds):
y_scale[i] = min(bounds)
if y_scale[i] > max(bounds):
y_scale[i] = max(bounds)
if save:
if save_scale and filename[-3:] == "csv":
filename, np.transpose(np.array([x_scale, y_scale])), delimiter=","
y_str = np.array2string(y_scale, separator="\n")
file = open(filename, "w")
return y_scale
def interpolate_amp(
position: np.ndarray,
t_sim: float = 100,
t_end: float = None,
dt: float = 0.005,
intertype: str = "Spline",
bounds: tuple[float] = (0, 0),
save: bool = False,
filename: str = "interpolate_part.dat",
save_scale: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
genarte a waveform from a particle position using interpolate where the position values are the output waveform amplitudes at constant sample rate
position : array
particle position in n dimension output waveform amplitudes at regular times
t_sim : float
simulation time (ms), by default 100
dt : float
time step of the simulation (ms), by default 0.005
intertype : str
type of interpolation perform, by default 'Spline'
type possibly:
- 'Spline' : Cubic spline interpolation
bounds : tupple
limit range of the interpolation, if both equal no limit,by default (0,0)
save : bool
save or not the output in a .dat file, by default False
filename : str
name of the file on wich the output should be saved, by default 'interpolate_part.dat'
waveform : np.ndarray
result of the interpolation
if t_end is None:
t_end = t_sim
dim = len(position)
time_particle = np.linspace(0, t_end, dim)
scale = int(t_end / dt)
waveform = interpolate(
if t_end < t_sim:
dif = int((t_sim - t_end) / dt)
waveform = np.concatenate((waveform, np.ones(dif)))
elif t_end > t_sim:
waveform = waveform[: int(t_sim / dt) + 1]
return waveform
def interpolate_Npts(
t_sim: float = 100,
dt: float = 0.005,
amp_start: float = 0,
amp_stop: float = 1,
intertype: str = "Spline",
bounds: tuple[float] = (0, 0),
fixed_order: bool = False,
t_end: float = None,
t_shift: float = None,
save: bool = False,
fname: str = "interpolate_2pts.dat",
plot: bool = False,
save_scale: bool = False,
generatefigure: bool = True,
strict_bounds: bool = True,
kwargs_interp: dict = {},
genarte a waveform from a particle position using interpolate where the position
values are the coordonnate of N points which should be reached by the output waveform
If :math:`t_{i}` and :math:`I_{i}` are the time and amplitude of the :math:`ith` point the position vector :math:`\mathcal{X}` should be:
.. math::
\mathcal{X} = \begin{pmatrix} t_{1} & I_{1} & t_{2} & I_{2} & ... & t_{N} & I_{N} \end{pmatrix}
position : np.ndarray
particle position in 2N dimensions with the coordonnate of the N points to interpolate.
t_sim : float
simulation time (ms), by default 100
dt : float
time step of the simulation (ms), by default 0.005
amp_start : float
amplitude at the beginning of the interpolation
amp_stop : float
amplitude at the end of the interpolation
intertype : str
type of interpolation perform, by default 'Spline'
type possibly:
- 'Spline' : Cubic spline interpolation
- 'linear'
bounds : tupple
limit range of the interpolation, if both equal no limit, by default (0,0)
fixed_order :bool
fix the order of the points to interpolate
t_end :float
optionnal, if not None, time of the stimulation at which the interpollation should reach amp_stop
t_shift :float
optionnal, if not None, interpolation will be shifted of this time
save : bool
save or not the output in a .dat file, by default False
fname : str
name of the file on wich the output should be saved, by default 'interpolate_2pts.dat'
strict_bounds :bool
if True values out of bound will be set to closer bound
kwargs_interp : dict
kwargs to add to the interpollation
waveform : np.ndarray
waveform generated from position
n_dim = len(position)
n_pts = n_dim // 2
X = np.array(
[[position[2 * k], position[2 * k + 1]] for k in range(n_pts)], dtype=float
# if odd number of dimention the last scalar is use to set t_end
if n_dim % 2 == 1:
t_end = max(position[-1], 2 * n_pts * dt)
X[:, 0] *= t_end
elif t_end is None:
t_end = t_sim
for i in range(n_pts):
if X[i, 0] < dt:
X[i, 0] += dt
elif X[i, 0] > t_end - (n_pts * dt):
X[i, 0] -= n_pts * dt
if fixed_order:
rise_warning(NotImplemented, "fixed_order not NotImplemented")
fixed_order = False
if fixed_order:
I = np.argsort(X[:, 0])
X = X[I]
for i in range(n_pts):
for j in range(i + 1, n_pts):
if X[i, 0] + dt > X[j, 0]:
X[j, 0] = X[j, 0] + dt
t = np.concatenate([[0], X[:, 0], [t_end]])
x = np.concatenate([[amp_start], X[:, 1], [amp_stop]])
I = np.argsort(t)
t = t[I]
x = x[I]
if strict_bounds:
bds = bounds
bds = (0, 0)
waveform = interpolate(
scale=int(t_end / dt) + 1,
if t_shift is not None:
dif = int(t_shift / dt)
waveform = np.concatenate((amp_start * np.ones(dif), waveform))
t_end += t_shift
if t_end < t_sim:
dif = int((t_sim - t_end) / dt)
waveform = np.concatenate((waveform, amp_stop * np.ones(dif)))
elif t_end > t_sim:
waveform = waveform[: int(t_sim / dt) + 1]
if save or plot:
T = np.linspace(0, t_sim, len(waveform))
if generatefigure:
plt.plot(T, waveform)
plt.scatter(t, x)
if save:
return waveform
########################### savers #################################
def cost_position_saver(data, file_name="document.csv"):
Simple saver which can be used in a cost_function to save the cost
and position in a .csv file (see .Optim.cost_function)
data : dict
dict containing the keys 'cost' and 'position'
name of the saving file.
NB: if missing, extension ".csv" will be add at the end of the file
save = [str(data["cost"])]
position = data["position"]
fname = rmv_ext(file_name) + ".csv"
dim = len(position)
for i in range(dim):
save += [position[i]]
with open(fname, "a", newline="") as fd:
writer = csv.writer(fd)